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The Worldwide Organization For Women needs people just like you who are dedicated to standing up for faith, family and sovereignty.  

To join WOW requires a minimum tax deductible donation of only $25 per year.

When you join today you will receive these three great downloads:

1. Cultural Parenting Revolution by: Nicholeen Peck  (audio class given at United Nations 2014)

2. Roles, Rights, Property & Parenting by: Nicholeen Peck (audio class)

3. The Phsysiological Effects Of Innocent Exposure to Soft-Core Pornography on the Developing Brain  by Dr. Jennifer Brown

Join us today!

Your membership contribution makes the valuable work WOW does possible. 

  • We influence and speak at the United Nations.
  • We support the natural family on the local, state, national and international levels.
  • We create educational materials for women and families around the globe. 
  • We promote the 14 WOW positions by educating, advocating, and celebrating.

Friend of WOW

Includes free audio recording, pdf, and exclusive articles.

Only $25 per year

Official Member

Voting rights in WOW plus other audios and PDFs. Get access to once a year online event.

Only $50 per year

Associate of WOW

One time donation, personal training and internship possibilities. Accompany WOW at the United Nations.

$1500 donation
(will not automatically be billed after first year)